Council seeks to clear a path around RR crossings

When a delegation of City Council members travels to the nation’s capital later this week and meets with elected leaders and federal officials, one issue they’ll discuss is the mitigation of lengthy delays on 88th and 96th avenues when trains are blocking traffic for extended periods. 

City Hall is considering a bypass project that would connect and widen Yosemite over the O’Brian Canal, providing an alternate route for traffic when trains block 88th or 96th. Among other permissions and acquisitions needed to undertake the project, the city must acquire a right-of-way from The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad.

City leaders attending a National League of Cities conference in Washington, D.C., plan to include a visit to the Federal Railroad Administration to seek input and possible assistance regarding wide-ranging concerns involving train traffic, including blocked crossings and noise.

Initially, the motivation for the bypass project was helping businesses in the area. However, it was noted at the City Council meeting Monday that residents might be equally interested in seeing the project completed.

If residents thought that it was only to appease area businesses “they might be a bit up in arms,” council member Susan Noble said at the meeting Monday evening.

Noble said local residents could be going to work or to a doctor’s appointment and are effectively “trapped” at the railroad crossings under the current configuration.

Other council members agreed that the project is sorely needed for both businesses and residents. Another concern came from council member Charles Dukes, who wanted to ensure that the proposed road extension for Yosemite would be wide enough as there will be “pain points” to consider.

One of the first hurdles will be negotiations with the railroad for the right-of-way and agreement for cooperation to utilize Bluetooth technology for signage to inform drivers to take the new, alternate route when trains are blocking the roads.

Debi Stobie

Eye on Commerce City staff writer. Email Debi at:


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